Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Top 10 Worst Dreams
2. eating some kind of poop
3. Realizing that you are cooler and better looking in your dreams than you are in real life. I know it's - like - a phrase and everything, but waking up and remembering you have pimples all over your chin and that you aren't actually hanging out with Bikini Kill and never will be makes the morning a real drag.
4. claws as hands, hands as claws. How frustrating!
5. Fatworld--oh, wait...
6. When you keep trying to hide from someone, like under a blanket or something, but the blanket ends up not being there or shrinking at an amazing speed. You may or may not be naked.
7. Big, huge teeth (no, this has nothing to do with vaginas.)
8. Small, tiny teeth sharpened to points and soft to the touch.
9. When everyone in your dream is someone you met once like 5 years ago. It makes me feel like my real friends aren't top of mind. Or that they're doing a bad job of staying in my dreams consistently. Get in there friends!
10. The almost-can't-tell-it's-a-dream, dream. You know when you dream about the same exact things you do during the day, but with only slight differences, like your nails are weirdly shaped, or your name is Kristen instead of Kendra, and instead of eating pasta for dinner you eat a burger.
For the record, I was really bothered by the film Inception because the "dreams" all these people were having were not marked with any of the weirdness of actual dreams. They should have had Tim Burton or David Lynch do it, and there should have been giant blueberry-headed dogs, morphing electronics, and cackling witches baking apple pies that periodically walked through the frames. Instead there was - like - a man walking fast, or something that would tip Juno off that she was in a dream. How weeeeeiiiird. Oh yeah, and crumbling buildings. woooooooowwwwwwwyaaaaaaaawwwwwwn.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
There's No Crazy like NYC Crazy
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Cupcake Wars
I thought the reality shows that really had been pushing the limits of ridiculousness were all on VH1 - shows like Tool Academy (self-obsessed muscleheads in bandanas whose girlfriends try and force them unsuccessfully into monogamy and misery) , I Love New York (loud yelling from a metareality star)and Celebrity Rehab make me realize all bets are off when it comes to show ideas.
However, after catching a few snippets of The Food Network's Cupcake Wars last night, I realized that VH1's dramatic trash reels were at least soap-operatic in their material, in some tiny way referencing the human dramas we've all experienced - love, loss, and social pressure.
In contrast, Cupcake Wars seems like the inevitable result of inbreeding among competition reality shows - the category of cable shows of which Top Chef is top dog and Project Runway, Design Star, Hell's Kitchen, The Apprentice, Shear Genius and the like crank out something judgeable (usually food, but including art, hair, businesses, clothes). What makes Cupcake Wars so bad is not just that it's a stretch of the formula from the start (how many different ways can you judge cupcakes?), it's the contrast between the light, simple pleasure of making/eating a cupcake and the stress and drama of the competition. Everything they say or do on the show ends up reading like a comedy.
For example, when one contestant, an older, foppish pastry chef from Beverly Hills named Farish starts in on the final cupcake round, in which the contestants have to build a giant cupcake display (a challenge that basically reveals that the producers ran out of ideas for baking cupcakes), he exclaims:
"At this point, I don't know how many more fondant purses I can make!"
Farish's display includes four giant spinning cupcakes gazing at their own reflections, "inspired by a 1930s hollywood dressing room". If self-absorbed starlet cupcakes can't make you laugh, I don't know what will.
The judging panel drama, a staple of any reality competition show, is even more laughable. The contestants, fully absorbed in the competition and putting their "reputations" on the line, spew standards lines while tearing up: "I want to win this for my family, it's my dream", etc etc. But I can't help feeling the whole show is like adding "in bed" to your chinese fortune cookie fortunes. Add "cupcakes" (or anything related to cupcakes) to end of any dramatic sentence uttered and you collapse into giggles.
How serious are YOU about cupcakes??
When contestants are elminated, the judges say:
"You are a casualty of this cupcake war". Groooooaaaan. How about "You've been frosted." Or "Take your cupcakes out of the oven, you're going home."
The older judge - some sort of French pastry expert, barely cracks a smile the whole show and says things like "the frosting is like mortar" while grimacing. With his exaggerated French accent, I almost believe that the cupcake he's judging is a serious matter. Oh wait, no, I don't. I think they casted him from a Grey Poupon commercial from the 90s.
The show seems to struggle to find ways to portray making cupcakes with more skill than it actually requires. For example, when another contestant craftily makes paper cups for her cupcakes, it automatically becomes her creative selling point:
"She came up with these ingenious cups that no one has done here before!"
With project runway or top Chef, I'm genuinely impressed with the contestants skill. I know I couldn't sew a couture dress or cook a gourmet meal from scratch. I'm pretty sure I could come up with a creative way to make cupcake holders.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Internet Grasp Fail
It was kind of interesting, if only to realize the knowledge gap that exists among seemingly smart, astute seniors who held out from accepting digital tools and trends too long, scoffing at the wide, rolling social media waves as a passing flood and only now realizing that no, actually, the world is now built on water like the towns in late 90s Costner-bomb Waterworld and fuck, I better learn to swim (deep breath - still with me?) Luckily, Pogue serves as a version of the Waterworld key to the new world - only instead of a tattooed map on the back of a little girl, his dictionary will save those who've managed to survive this far by drinking their own urine and such. Until we realize just how dire the situation is, as evidenced by this comment by a grateful "swimmer":
"I found this as a first class in a Twitter Communication course. What I had expected and would like as a second class are some of the terms that tweeters use. For example, many people use the acronym "LOL", and the first definitions that I think of are "Lots of Love" or "Lots of Luck". However, when I looked it up on a twitter dictionary what came up was "Laughing out Loud" or something that is funny. I need more help in understanding the language that I receive when someone tweets me."
Prognosis: dire.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Mow It! Do It! Cut It! Trim It!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
TV Commercial Trend: Inanimate Objects with Personality
Lately, I've noticed a mildly disturbing trend among TV commercials - that of giving inanimate objects human motivations, characteristics, voices, and traits. I'm not sure if it's a latent fear of my world of appliances suddenly coming to life and fighting me in a sci-fi inspired electronics-vs.-human end of times war, or just the transparent advertising strategy displayed in these commericals, but every time I see these commercials I protest inside.
Philandering Shoes.
I guess dudes suck even when they are talking shoes.
Okay, these aren't that horrible - and I get it. It's still creepy to think about a broom needing a restraining order.
With legs like that, No wonder they went out of business
According to ad age, these commercials featuring "sexy" talking applicances aired just before Circuit City went out of business in 2009.This gives new meaning to plugging (in) your TV.
Conclusions and Warnings
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Return to the 50s...
Perfect for summer! Great on ice!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Feminist Cleaners?
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Open Letter to Future Customer Service Reps and Also Karma
Friday, February 12, 2010
Complaints Board Treasures
Select quotes below:
Clarks Shoes
Posted: 12th of Feb, 2010 by jonazel
Complaint Rating:
I have had three pairs of pricey Clarks shoes which, although carefully looked after and otherwise in excellent condtion, simply came apart at the junction between the leather upper and the synthetic sole.The failure is not of the thread used for stitching, it is a design-cum-material fault..
CVS Pharmacy - North Carolina, Wilmington
Posted: 2009-07-02 by Dru Laing Christie
Complaint Rating:
CVS Pharmacy always gives you a $2.00 to $5.00 off coupon when you buy certain products. I went there today to buy conditioner. I had a $2.00 of coupon. The clerk said that my visa card was not the same as the one on the coupon. So? My boyfriend gave it to me
Hobby Lobby
Posted: 2010-01-29 by queen_elizabeth8
Return Policy
Complaint Rating:
I recently started a jewelry making class in college and I needed to buy supplies for my class, so I went to Hobby Lobby. When I was at the register I saw a magazines about bead-making so I purchased two. It wasn't until I got home that I saw that they were each 20.00 and way too advanced.
Posted: 17th of Feb, 2010 by edward clesowich
glue all over cans
Complaint Rating:
baught 24 pack of coke many of times, every time cans have glue all over them. you have to pull the glue off of them before you even think of drinking them. i go through about 2 cases a week, when can gets wet from condinsation you end up getting glue in mouth or face. buy all my coke from wal-mart..
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Logo Fail and Pretzel Bag Claim

First of all, judging by the size and placement of the wheels compared to the body of the car, it would fail to bring me anywhere, except maybe the ground, when its top-heavy frame crashed upon me. Also, what's so special about the "A" that it gets to be lined in yellow, red, AND black?