Sunday, September 19, 2010

There's No Crazy like NYC Crazy

We ventured into Manhattan to see the movie Catfish last night. From the time we exited the theater to the time we arrived home in Brooklyn, the crowds in Union Square, the L train and the G train provided the experience of an acid trip without taking any drugs (unless the heady mix of urine and rat poison in the guts of the subway has psychedelic effects). I suppose this is why I and everyone else I know is drawn to and repelled by the city. Selection of sights beginning around 10 p.m.:

10:05, Outside of Theater: Man is distributing postcards promoting indie movie outside of theater. Pops up in front of my face saying "You like CATFISH - you watch THIS!" We decline and move on, swept along with crowd. Short, wild-eyed girl appears out of nowhere to verify his claim, cackles "It's BETTER, It's BETTER - I've seen it!"

10:06 Directly behind us, seemingly college-age girl talking loudly about G-CHAT, mentions it eerily over and over, begins to sound like incantation.

10:10 Older woman w/dual-pedaled scooter talking animatedly to homeless girl and her dog. Scene seems oddly comforting, like observing a mailman exchanging pleasantries with your neighbor in a small town.

10:11 Fire truck everywhere. No apparent reason.

10:15 While waiting for G train, extremely skinny gay man/boy in jean jumper and flowered blouse with dyed white blond hair clasps hands with his bff, an extremely high girl with oily hair and pinwheel eyes in patterned scarf. They simataneously hump each other and the air, stomp in imaginary circle, and sing hot chip song at top of their lungs, collapsing into each other in giggles after every verse.

10:15 Several yards down from jean jumper and friend, large group of black teens are step dancing, possibly in competitive circle.

10:20 Man on G train threatening to sprinkle bedbugs on train patrons. Makes his way through multiple cars spreading the news and laughing.

10:25 Vacant-eyed white man seen exiting train with giant orangeish-red stain on most of his white t-shirt. Stain appears to be from pasta, or possibly blood. Man doesn't seem to notice.

10:30 Home!

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