What is this?
We started this because we’re full. We’re normally full of food and cupcakes, but sometimes when the moon strikes the trash on the Brooklyn streets just right, we’re full of ideas and images.
We are two people, with three cats, several computers, a new apartment, a general sense of ennui, but not depression; excitement, but not cheesy, gushing unchecked optimism. It's important to know that one of us is a Pisces and one of us an Aqaurius, and that we consult such venerable texts as Sexstrology to inform us about our relationship tendencies.
We live in a Brooklyn apartment we luckily scored despite being in an personal economic downturn, which we like to think is due to our willingness to consult the Suze Orman books our Moms have sent to us over the years, but which is actually due to the fact that KE lived in shitty New York apartments for the first year of her existence in the city.
KM likes include flourescents, designs, and pixels. KE likes include thinking of projects and workouts. We like feminism, animals, npr, Amy Sedaris, and gay-but-not-too-gay things. Basically, if we feel too full of shit, we'll attempt to vomit it back up into this blog.
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