Wednesday, July 29, 2009

More TV Shows! More! More!

Continuing my last post about TV shows that are worth checking out.

2. True Blood. This HBO show is about vampires in Louisiana, so we were immediately intrigued. The premise is that vampires (as a race, I guess) have "come out" and revealed themselves to the American public. While they do require blood to survive, they (supposedly - hint, hint) now survive on synthetic blood invented by some asian scientists. So they don't need to drink human blood...or do they!!!!! From what we can tell, as in other vampire series like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Twilight, and even classic ol' Dracula, True Blood not-so-subtly draws a distinct parallel between drinking blood and sex. They pretty much hammer this point home by showing lots and lots of dirty sex, talking about sex, and portraying vampire blood (V-Blood!) as  a drug that enhances sex. Also, having sex with a vampire is "the best sex you've ever had in your life". Also, some vampires have sexual minions. Also, sex.  Everyone has sex. That's basically the gist of it. In truth, I like the religion-soaked, backwoods, gothic and haunted setting/tone of the show, so I am willing to slog through the jack-hammering pelvises. But it hasn't fully been approved yet, because I'm waiting for it to give me something a little...smarter I guess. An example of why we may end up trashing this show is a choice line from the episode we watched the other night that made KM roll her eyes ALL OVER:

(After Sookie and her vampire boyfriend Bill have sex and he feeds on her blood for the first time, they are soaking in his hot tub)

Bill (tenderly, towards Sookie): "Perhaps you might obtain some Vitamin B12 to replenish your fluids"

Yikes. Oh, there is also a bar called Fangtasia, and you should know that Sookie has some sort of power to read people's thoughts.

Here is a clip where Bill conveniently explains all of the backstory:

And here is the opening sequence, which I think is the best part of the show.

3. Twin Peaks. Amazing in too many ways to count. Good for a day with weird weather, but really just good anytime, especially with cupcakes or pie.

In contrast to shows like True Blood, each episode of Twin Peaks lives up to the intro sequence:

4. Freaks and Geeks.  Tragically, Freaks and Geeks only lasted one season, but it's a damn good season. I wasn't in high school in the 80's, but it doesn't really matter because Freaks and Geeks pretty much captures, in a realistic way, (i.e. with female characters that aren't rich popular gangleaders or cheerleaders) the experiences of high school. Like the first time you got high:

5. 30 Rock. I'm sure enough has been written about this show and why it's funnier than anything else on T.V. Like everyone else on the planet, I'm glad Tina Fey was born. 

- KE

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Naming the Cat

So I meant to finish the for-those-without-cable-or-even-one-channel-of-tv list of shows, but this week we've also spent our spare time thinking of names for our new cat. Since the two cats living with us previously were picked up by their owner and we were left with Stereo, who promptly began yowling at the walls, we decided we needed to get her a companion. 

After a visit to the Brooklyn Animal Resource Coalition, a somewhat zany (they have a cat attic and framed pictures of kittens over the front desk) Animal Rescue Center in Williamsburg, we picked out "Barney", a black and white guy who crawled into my lap without hesitation and proceeded to lay on his back with his paws jutting out as if he was doing a cat hand-clap or a cat robot/vogue.  His uninhibited poses and quiet determination not to scratch us scored him lots of points, so we sealed the deal, as they say in frat houses (I think). However, the wild-eyed grandma figures at BARC informed us he may or may not have a tooth condition that may or may not be gingivitis-related, and they must test his teeth for a week before we could take him home. Despite this unexpected delay, and despite his ill-fitting, Grandma-appointed name, we are willing to hold out for "Barney". We will pick him up next week (with or without the weird tooth condition -- but hopefully without).

We spent the rest of the weekend brainstorming new, cooler and/or cuter names for "Barney," ones that would truly capture his cat personality, his coat color, and his zany dance moves. I rattled off several names, while KM characteristically remained silent and brooding over the perfect name, finally releasing her suggestion: "Michael Jackson." She claimed it was perfect because the real Michael Jackson sang a song about being black and white, was black and white, and had crazy dance moves. I thought naming a cat after M.J. was disrespectful so soon after his death (Funnily enough, KM thought "Jacko" was disrespectful). The debate rages on, although we were able to think of a few more names for consideration, including:
-Pillow (KM)
-Scraps (KE)
-Salt n' Peppa (KE)
-Meowsers (KE)
-Marble (KM? or me, I can't remember)
-Cotton (KM)
-Blanket (MJ-related suggestion)
-Dazzle (suggested by me, but deemed "too gay" by KM.)

Nothing has been decided as of yet. 

In lieu of a photo of the cat in question, I've included this classic of Stereo going after ice cream. Hopefully she will play with "Barney" and not sit on him:

Here's a pic of what life is typically like for the cats we house:

And here's a cute one for all you cat-lovers out there. Talk about a sinkful of adorable! This is cat calendar material if I've ever seen it:


Monday, July 13, 2009

Bev Kills It.

Today at lunch the boys introduced me to quite possibly the best website ever,

Please enjoy a  few personal favorites, Bev...

A special time in everybody's life, and quite a magical musical ending...

A laugh riot brought to you by KM.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Scrambled Channel Blues (Bonus Show List!)

The digital TV conversion is a sensitive subject around these parts, mostly because I insisted we get the free government "coupon" to buy a digital TV converter months before we needed it, in preparation for shelling out 40 bucks or whatever amount it was to buy the new technology being foisted on the general population. 

After letting one coupon expire, and several catty comments suggesting one person of our twosome was to blame for letting said coupon expire (comments made every time the announcements would come on the one cable channel we still received through rabbit ears), and through a series of complicated ropes courses and friendship rituals, we were able to procure a converter box. My constant tic reminding both of us that the converter box MUST be obtained before the final deadline in June bothered both of us, but mostly bothered KM, because it was annoying for her, and part of me. 

We quickly figured out that not only did we need a converter box, but also a special antennae that would work with the digital signal. Curses! After a quick bike ride in a monsoon, and a special personal envoy into the Brooklyn Target, which everyone who lives in Brooklyn knows is a special circle of hell involving large,  sweaty people, braying families, and faulty shopping cart lifts, I obtained the antennae. All of this effort resulted in one sad, scrambled channel, the local NY channel that is kind of like the WB, but which also shows baseball games. All in all, a sad state for our TV watching--for those interested, the channel we do get, "My9", plays a show with a black man in drag playing a sassy grandmother about 20 of 24 hours in a day. So we gave up TV. . . at least watching it the normal way. 

Which brings me to the shows we take care to rent via netflix, own, or stream online. Those in the rotation now and in the past are listed below. For those of you who suffered a similar fate via the digital conversion, this list is for you (actually, everyone we know has cable, so this is probably for no one). And by "you" I mean "me and KM" since I am treating this blog as a personal diary. These aren't ranked in any order, so don't get excited about either #1 or #10.

1. Party Down. KM was referred to this show by her bandmates, M & M. It's on Starz, which for some reason I associate with porn and porn only, but apparently they are trying to ride the coattails of the successful comedies and dramadies and shows about penises and lesbians and housewives smoking pot that HBO and Showtime put out. Anyway, it's pretty awesome. It Starz (hahahah) the blond, older woman that was in Best in Show, the girl who was Lindsey Lohan's gothy but kind of funny high school dork friend from Mean Girls, and Bill from Freaks and Geeks. I could find the real names of these actors on the World Wide Web, but I don't feel like looking them up and you'll know who I'm talking about better this way anyway. These three and a handful of others portray a ragtag group of struggling actors in L.A. that are forced to take menial jobs as caterers working under one of the guys who starred in The State on MTV. This dude plays a Michael Scott-type -- lovable but delusional, full of himself but pathetic, etc. etc. The first season of Party Down (we watched all 10 episodes on Netflix in two days) has some great cameos, especially Jennifer Coolidge (Best in Show, Legally Blond) on Shrooms in Episode 10. Party Down is similar to the office in lots of ways, but is worth it thanks to the funny lesbian's role and the L.A. actor hook. Kudoz, Starz.

2. I'll finish this list another time, this post is already too long. Stay tuned!


Monday, July 6, 2009

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

About I'm Full

What is this?

We started this because we’re full. We’re normally full of food and cupcakes, but sometimes when the moon strikes the trash on the Brooklyn streets just right, we’re full of ideas and images.

We are two people, with three cats, several computers, a new apartment, a general sense of ennui, but not depression; excitement, but not cheesy, gushing unchecked optimism. It's important to know that one of us is a Pisces and one of us an Aqaurius, and that we consult such venerable texts as Sexstrology to inform us about our relationship tendencies.

We live in a Brooklyn apartment we luckily scored despite being in an personal economic downturn, which we like to think is due to our willingness to consult the Suze Orman books our Moms have sent to us over the years, but which is actually due to the fact that KE lived in shitty New York apartments for the first year of her existence in the city.

KM likes include flourescents, designs, and pixels. KE likes include thinking of projects and workouts. We like feminism, animals, npr, Amy Sedaris, and gay-but-not-too-gay things. Basically, if we feel too full of shit, we'll attempt to vomit it back up into this blog.