Saturday, December 5, 2009
Twitter: Retwarded or Here To Stay?
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Body Computers, Superphones, and SciFi in a Googleverse
Despite the somewhat cheesy promotional video where moppety haircuts on boys and forced diversity family fun manage to make xbox's impressive technological feat seem kind of lame, it's pretty crazy that Ray Bradbury's short stories are actually becoming reality. As in - science fiction come to life. Which brings me to my questions, since said sci-fi stories always turned out to contain a twisted moral message about technological advancement exploding/eating/turning people into heartless computers like themselves.
Compact Discs are - as KM keeps sadly whispering while caressing the plastic cases of her extensive CD collection- a "dead medium," and they aren't coming back. Now all of us who particpated in a decade-long version of the Columbia Music Club - a.k.a. compact disc owners - have to figure out how to load all of the music we purchased for 24.99/disc in the nineties into digital storage without crashing our computers. And even then, you have to back it up with an external hard drive lest your overloaded computer crash some day. And when that happens, back up the music again lest your external hard drive accidentally get dropped in the toilet, or more realistically -- stop working. And so on. It sounds like a never-ending digital download of your - well your STUFF. And frankly, maybe I'd just rather have the individual CDs - to accidentally ruin one-by-one rather than all at once.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Strangers with Candy Revelations
And here's Jerri Blank, although all I could find on Youtube was a clip of the unaired pilot. Kind of funny to see the changes they made from this to the show that was aired on comedy central.
R.I.P. Strangers with Candy.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Pitching a Fit Over Pitchfork
But now Pitchfork, the war is ON.
A review of the album Feels Good Together by newcomers Drummer received a 7.5 on the Pitchfork review scale of 1-10. I am not really sure what the criteria are for these numbers but generally speaking a review in the high 7's is quite good. Anything over an 8 and the record makes it to the "Best New Music" list, which this year (just to add fuel to my personal vendetta) is compromised of thirty nine albums thus far only six of which feature female fronted bands and I AM including the gender mystic Antony in that count. I digress, the point being the record by Drummer is horrible. I am not talking "I just don't get it" bad, I am talking "I get it, this is shit" bad.

I was interested in this album for a few reasons, foremost being it is comprised of all drummers from other bands, the most well known drummer being Patrick Carney of Black Keys. When I first caught wind of this group I thought it was an interesting concept and assumed that it would be some kind of experiment in rhythm and percussion. I was wrong. The album starts out promising with Lottery Dust, a solid, churning rock and roll song. From there the songs digress into an unfortunate clamor of trite full-mouthed lyrics and musical wanderings that meander into the land of Creedance-ish southern rock (Connect to Lounge) and lots of loud-soft-loud-solo structures. The record feels indulgent in almost every aspect from the "concept" to the indie-rock-star (sort of) line up, to the guitar soloing, to the more then a mouthful lyrics. Okay, fine I just don't like it. We are all entitled to differing opinions and this is not the first time Pitchfork and I have agreed to disagree.
Still, while listening to this album an overwhelming flood of all the little irritants and nagging issues I have had with Pitchfork in the past began to amplify with each forced "I smoke a lot and drink late" breath that singer Jon Finley wheezed. Why a 7.5?! Why is the reviewer heralding this clearly redundant BS and not reviewing some other band that I have never heard of, some surprise band?! Why did Micachu and the Shapes, by far one of the most interesting and fun records of the year not make it to the "Best New Music" list (they got a 7.9, the injustice!)? Why do I need to hear every single thing laid to tape by Bradford Cox? Why does Pitchfork coin terms such as "chillwave" and "glo-fi" without an after thought? Why are they primarily interested in bands who play music that makes me feel sleepy and/or suggests the full experience would be had by gulping down a mental patients medicine cabinet? Why did Sleater-Kinney have to break up? Where is Kathleen Hanna?
Kathleen Hanna: Last seen with former band Le Tigre.
Okay, fine, those last two questions have nothing to do with Pitchfork. Although they could tell me where Kathleen Hanna is if they REALLY CARED.
Even the government agrees that monopolies are not good business. How is there no competing indie/underground music reviewing site yet? Can someone else please start a super cool, interesting music blog? Someone who is not famous already? Someone besides Carrie Brownstein? Then I will be able to officially break up with Pitchfork yet remain on friendly terms. The sooner the better cause my contempt is building.
Micachu and the Shapes. At least an 8.5 in my opinion.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Giant Shoe Mystery
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Guilt and Reality TV
Friday, September 25, 2009
Delusional Downtown Divas
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Can We Live Outside of NYC? Rhode Island Says: NO
Here's KM when we first arrived at Friendly's for breakfast on the last day of our trip.
.....this was taken after five minutes
Saturday, August 29, 2009
The Internet Age; Or - Is There An Internet Vaccine?!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
And in Addition
and maybe a dash of...
Saturday, August 15, 2009
A Word About Judd Apatow Movies
The Sarah Silverman Program | ||||
That's Been Done | |||| | ||||
- KE
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Some Thoughts (I have no thoughts)
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
More TV Shows! More! More!
And here is the opening sequence, which I think is the best part of the show.
4. Freaks and Geeks. Tragically, Freaks and Geeks only lasted one season, but it's a damn good season. I wasn't in high school in the 80's, but it doesn't really matter because Freaks and Geeks pretty much captures, in a realistic way, (i.e. with female characters that aren't rich popular gangleaders or cheerleaders) the experiences of high school. Like the first time you got high:
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Naming the Cat
Monday, July 13, 2009
Bev Kills It.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Scrambled Channel Blues (Bonus Show List!)
Monday, July 6, 2009
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
About I'm Full
What is this?
We started this because we’re full. We’re normally full of food and cupcakes, but sometimes when the moon strikes the trash on the Brooklyn streets just right, we’re full of ideas and images.
We are two people, with three cats, several computers, a new apartment, a general sense of ennui, but not depression; excitement, but not cheesy, gushing unchecked optimism. It's important to know that one of us is a Pisces and one of us an Aqaurius, and that we consult such venerable texts as Sexstrology to inform us about our relationship tendencies.
We live in a Brooklyn apartment we luckily scored despite being in an personal economic downturn, which we like to think is due to our willingness to consult the Suze Orman books our Moms have sent to us over the years, but which is actually due to the fact that KE lived in shitty New York apartments for the first year of her existence in the city.
KM likes include flourescents, designs, and pixels. KE likes include thinking of projects and workouts. We like feminism, animals, npr, Amy Sedaris, and gay-but-not-too-gay things. Basically, if we feel too full of shit, we'll attempt to vomit it back up into this blog.