This place, Dough, is right by us. I've broken my doughnut fast for their creative flavors and enticing colors. So sue me.

Hurricane/Earthquake Awareness
The two things I didn't think I had to be paranoid about living in NYC are now back on the list. (The list: Terrorism, subway bomb, being stuck on the subway under water, giant meteor striking earth, Helicopters in general, murderous co-worker rampage, gay bashing gang in a van, plunging to death in an elevator, nuclear attack, sun explosion). The good news is we now have two flashlights and about 20 bottles of water.

There's something ironic about being too blind to be able to participate in a cool glasses trend. Thick frames = hip. Thick lenses = hip grandma.

Selling Yourself
I'm pretty sure this is an essential skill to being a creative person in New York. I tend to over explain and muddle my thoughts, argue both sides of an opinion, apologize a few times for no apparent reason, and end up exhaustedly holding my head in my hands and/or softshoeing out of the room to distract from my disastrous presentation skills. I've learned that part of it is talking louder, part of it is making an affirmative sounding statement no matter what the content of the statement is, and part of it is "ovary-ing up" as Dan Savage would say. What will make me the NY huckster I need to be to succeed?

Funny Women in Primetime Banking off of the Success of Bridesmaids
This seems promising. According to NYMag, there are a handful of shows slated for Fall that feature one (or more!) smart/sassy/funny women. One is set in Williamsburg, which should be interesting (but probably terrible). Another is created by Lena Dunham, of Tiny Furniture fame. It's called Girls and it's on HBO. I have a suspicion it's going to be sort of amazing, and make me want to pull out my "script" I've been "writing". Now I just need to figure out a way to hack a subscription
to HBO.
Gay Stuff All the Time
I recently launched a gay parenting website with a group of friends, and it's taking up pretty much all of my time. I'm pretty sure I've secretly transferred all my self-worth, past purposelessness frustration, and approaching 30 ennui into this project. You know what they say: The path to success is paved with ulcers!

Fantasy Fiction
I've been reading Game of Thrones (NOT watching the show...yet). As a result, I've found it amusing to incorporate the fictional world into our everyday lives by calling the cats "direwolves," talking about my broadsword when I'm slicing bread, and pointing out how the backyard dining area at Flatbush Farm looks like a castle. I used to read Brian Jacques' series Redwall all the time when I was little, which features similar plotlines and medievil harvest feast descriptions to those of Game of Thrones, except with woodland forest animals as all the main characters, so I'm pretty sure I just need to accept that I may be a fantasy fiction nerd at heart.